Jan 7-18 2014 Landmark Arts Centre Adrian Fordham: "The Colour of Money" - Open a 'pdf' of this press release - return to Galleries PR Index


The Landmark Show 2015


An exhibition of oil paintings

inspired by coins



Wednesday 7 - Sunday 18 January 2015

Landmark Arts Centre, Teddington

The Colour of Money’ is a series of new oil paintings by artist Adrian Fordham, on

display at Landmark Arts Centre in Teddington this January.

Coins depicting warriors, gods and goddesses on horseback - from ancient Greece and Rome, the British

Isles, India, Afghanistan and across Europe - have provided the inspiration for these paintings, to be exhibited

in public for the very first time at Landmark Arts Centre.

Ancient, Celtic and older coin designs were frequently re-interpreted and re-used by later cultures, with

copying and re-copying processes giving them an increasingly abstract quality. Drawing on Celtic mythology in

particular, victorious warriors were sometimes shown in a state of metamorphosis transforming from a human

form into a bird of prey. These elements are reflected in ‘The Colour of Money with the artist using bold colour

and form to convey the power and status of the riders.

‘The Colour of Money’ places a spotlight on little-known designs by anonymous artists and craftspeople from

past times, bringing to the fore what are now everyday objects - the coins in our pockets.

Adrian says: “I am intrigued by horse and rider coins from ancient Greece and Rome through to the British

rocking horse crown issued in 1935, and have been collecting for over 30 years. I grew up in Teddington and

the source of my inspiration for this exhibition goes back to that time when, as a boy, I started searching for

coins and interesting artefacts in local antique and junk shops. The coins have been re-interpreted such that I

hope will encourage people to see the objects we take for granted in a different way.

This solo exhibition marks Adrian’s return to his hometown in the year that Landmark Arts Centre celebrates

its 20th Anniversary.

‘The Colour of Money runs from Wednesday 7 to Sunday 18

January 2015 at Landmark Arts Centre, Ferry Road in

Teddington, TW11 9NN. Free Admission.


For photos, interviews with artist or more information, please contact Alison Fordham:

alison@alisonfordham.co.uk / 07795 211366