Galleries - April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‘Goldmark Gallery is jaw-dropping, crammed with original paintings and prints by the likes of Graham Sutherland, Henri Matisse, John Piper, George Chapman and Le Corbusier. There are fine . . . bronzes byElisabeth Frink and FrankDobson, ceramics by Kang-hyo Lee and Clive Bowen.’ !.:3;* =5=-6;12 " =)6.;6* #(" $<534;6+ $;55=6*, " 6;:-= !96==9, 118:-2;4, .95;:3, " ! (" # #" # 8:/< -<534;6+;69%0<4 < 6=0=8'= 0<41584=:9;6* 8:'89=7 9< = 28)898<: <1=:8:-7, 9;5+7 ;:3 3=4<:796;98<:7 15.7 .1 9< 3;9= :=&7 <: $<534;6+ 7 ;0 .87898<:7, 72<&7, )<<+7 ;:3 /8547, ;:3 <8: .1 /<6 <.6 /6== =4;85 :=&75=99=6% ‘. . . an art-lover’s paradise . . .’