Galleries - September 2016

To show your work in a London gallery is the ultimate aim of many young British artists. With the exponential growth of the gallery system in recent years that might not seem so hard to achieve but the truth is most of that expansion is coming from international gallerists, often with little real interest in the local scene. All of which makes what the New Artist Fair does (9to 11 September at The Old Truman Brewery, London) , so particularly useful and interesting. First established in 2011, their basic premise is that the Fair is open to any artist still in the first 10 years of making art or establishing themselves in London. Once selected they take a stand at a modest fixed fee and then retain 85 percent of sales thereafter – and no commission at all for website, commissioned work or later sales. Meanwhile from the art collectors’ point of view there is the huge advantage that not only are prices pegged to a maximum of £2,000 but there are no full scale gallery commission fees either. With an excellent marketing programme thrown in with the stand fee, not to mention the big exposure all the artists get (right on bustling Brick Lane) everyone here would seem to be a winner. NU clockwise from top right, work by: E va Trabszo, Leah Michelle, Hannah Wehbeh Ash Michelle, Diego Farneti, Nicola Hyslop Vincent Kamp, Catarina Rao Vieira SEPTEMBER 2016 GALLERIES 45