Galleries - June 2014

A bbey Walk Gallery 01472 241007 4 Aboriginal Art in the UK 020 8944 1396 17 Abrahams 020 8980 1937 31 Abbot Hall Art Gallery 4 Abbott & Holder 020 7637 3981 22 Adam Gallery (Bath) 01225 480406 11 Advanced Graphics London 020 7407 2055 29 Aktis Gallery 020 7629 6531 27 Albany Gallery 02920 487158 5 Albemarle Gallery 020 7499 1616 26 Alla Bulyanskaya 07915 383073 25 Alverton Gallery 01736 351668 9 Annely Juda 020 7629 7578 24 Anthony Hepworth 01225 310694 11 Arebyte Gallery 30 Architectural Heritage 01386 584414 7 ARTful 020 8702 8030 31 Art in Offices 07906 166354 31 The Art Room, Topsham 12 Art Jericho 01865 604070 7 Art Shop 01873 852690 5 31 ArtDiva 01324 558075 p51 Artefact Picture Framers 020 7580 4878 31 Arthouse Gallery 07712 933804 12 Artwave West 01297 489746 12 Asia House 07808 034678 22 Atkinson Gallery 01458 444322 12 Austin/Desmond 020 7242 4443 22 B ankside Gallery 020 7928 7521 32 Barbican Art Galleries 0845 120 7550 30 Barry Keene Gallery 01491 577119 16 Bath Contemporary 01225 461230 11 Beardsmore 020 7485 0923 19 Beaux Arts (Bath) 01225 464850 11 Beaux Arts (London) 020 7493 1155 24 Belgrave St Ives 01736 794888 10 Belgravia Gallery 020 7495 1010 26 Ben Oakley Gallery 07976 692751 17 Ben Uri 020 7604 3991 19 Bernard Jacobson 020 7734 3431 25 MP Birla Millennium AG 020 7381 3086 32 bo.lee gallery 07970 492858 30 Bohun Gallery 01491 576228 16 Bonhams 020 7393 3900 2,4,7,11,13,24 Borde Hill Garden 01444 450326 14 Bracknell Gallery 01344 484123 16 Brenda Hartill - Open Studio 01424 882942 14 Browse & Darby 020 7734 7984 25 R E Bucheli Fine Art/Frames 0117 9297747 13 C adogan Contemporary 020 7581 5451 21 Calken Gallery 020 7998 6446 18 Cambridge Book & Print 01223 694264 15 Campden Gallery 01386 841555 7 Carina Haslam Art 01494 866914 16 Catto Gallery 020 7435 6660 19 Chalk Gallery 01273 474477 14 Chappel Galleries 01206 240326 15 Chelsea Framers Gallery 020 7351 6121 31 Chelsea Gallery 20 Chelsea Old Town Hall 020 7731 3121 20 Christie’s 020 7839 9060 3,27 CGP Gallery London 020 7237 1230 29 CGP London Dilston Grove 020 7237 1230 29 Coach-House Gallery 01481 265339 12 Cob Gallery 020 7209 9110 19 Compass Gallery 0141 221 6370 2 Compton Verney 01926 645500 6 Coningsby Gallery 020 7636 7478 32 Contemporary Applied Arts 020 7436 2344 29 Contemp. Ceramics Ctre 020 7242 9644 22 Contemp. F.A. Gal. Eton 01753 854315 16 Cornwall Contemporary 01736 874749 9 Crane Kalman 020 7584 7566/581 1529 21 Cricket Fine Art 020 7352 2733 20 Curwen 020 7323 4700 22 Cynthia Corbett Gallery 020 8947 6782 17 Cyril Gerber Fine Art 0141 221 3095 2 D ébut Art/Coningsby Gallery 020 7636 1064 22 Denbigh Library Gallery 01745 882523 5 Dulwich Picture Gallery 020 8693 5254 17 Dundas Street Gallery 0131 557 4050 32 E agle Gallery/EMH Arts 020 7833 2674 30 Ebb and Flow 20 Edgar Modern 01225 443746 11 Embassy Tea Gallery 020 7274 7474 32 Erarta Galleries 020 7499 7861 26 Estorick Collection 020 7704 9522 30 F fin Y Parc 01494 642070 5 54 The Gallery 020 7491 7322 32 508 Kings Rd Chelsea Gall 07960 933566 20,32 Fleming Collection 020 7042 5730 24 Flowers (Cork Street) 020 7439 7766 25 Flowers (Kingsland Road) 020 7920 7777 30 Fosse Gallery 01451 831319 7 The Frame Shop 01348 831549 5 Framers Gallery 020 7580 4878 32 Friends of the Garden 12 Fruitmarket Gallery 0131 225 2383 3 G agliardi Gallery 020 7352 3663 20 La Galleria Pall Mall 020 7930 8069 28,32 Galeri 01690 710432 5 Galerie d’Art p51 GalleryMuse 07702 183858 14 Gallery 8 020 7930 0375 32 Gallery 9 01225 319197 11 gallery/10 029 2034 5978 5 Gallery 19 020 7937 7222 18 Gallery 286 020 7370 2239 20,32 Gallery Different 020 7637 3775 22 Gallery JKL 07739 596826 p51 Gallery Elena Shchukina (W1) 020 7499 6019 24 Gallery Elena Shchukina (SW3) 020 7589 0934 21 Gallery Pangolin 01453 889765 7 Gallery Tresco 01720 424925 8 The Gallery at 41 01929 480095 12 The Garden Gallery 01794 301144 14 Gimpel Fils 020 7493 2488 24 Globe Gallery 01932 848334 14 Gloucestershire Printmaking Co-operative 7 Goldmark 01572 821424 15 Golden Square 28 GX Gallery 020 7703 8396 17 Graham Hunter Gallery 020 7935 7794 23 Green & Stone of Chelsea 020 7352 0837 31 Greenstage Gallery 01885 490839 7 Greenwich Printmakers 020 8858 1569 17 Grosvenor Gallery 020 7484 7979 15,27 Guildford House Gallery 14 Guildhall Art Gallery 020 7332 3700 30 H amiltons Gallery 020 7499 9494 24 Hanina Fine Arts 020 7243 8877 24 Harbour Lights Gallery 01348 831549 5 Hastings Arts Forum 01424 201636 14 Hastings Museum & Art Gallery 14 Hay Hill Gallery 020 7486 6006 23 Hayward 0844 875 0073 29 Heatherley School of Fine Art Henry Moore Inst 0113 246 7467 4 Highgate Contemporary Art 020 8340 7564 19 Highgate Gallery 020 8340 3343 19 Hilton Fine Art 01225 311311 11 Hoxton Arches 020 3490 5696 32 I llustration Art Gallery 020 8768 0022 p51 Illustrationcupboard 020 7976 1727 27 The Infinite Gallery, Rosemary Clunie p51 Ingo Fincke Gallery 020 7228 7966 17 In House Gallery 01851 810170 1 J amaica Street Artists 0117 944 5667 13 Jane Fuest Gallery 01962 735834 p51 Jenna Burlingham Fine Art 01635 298855 14 John Davies Gallery 01608 652255 7 John Green Fine Art 0141 333 1991 2 Jonathan Grimble/S Blow Est 01736 797371 10 Juno Design Gallery 01369 707767 1 K estle Barton 01326 231811 8 King Street Gallery 01267 220121 5 King’s Lynn Arts Ctre 01553 779095 15 Knighton Fine Art 01547 528052 5 Krysztyna 01382 322522 1 L andmark Arts Centre 07989 570831 17,32 Laurel Gallery 0131 226 5022 3 Leamington Spa Art Gall/Mus 01926 742700 6 Leighton House Museum 020 7602 3316 18 Lemon Street Gallery 01872 275757 8 The Lightbox 01483 737800 14 Lilford Gallery 01227 639086 14 Lime Tree Bristol 0117 929 2527 13 Lime Tree Long Melford 01787 319046 15 Lion Pic Frmg Supplies 0121 773 1230 x205 31 Little Picture Gallery 01736 732877 8 Llanfair Waterdine Festival 01547 510327 5 Llewellyn Alexander 020 7620 1322 29 London Glassblowing 020 7403 2800 29 Long & Ryle 020 7834 1434 21 Lots Road Auctions 020 7376 6800 20 The Lovely Gallery 0203 3686 1328 17 M acDougall’s 020 7389 8160 28 Mall Galleries 020 7930 6844 28 Manya Igel 020 7229 1669 18 Marine House at Beer 01297 625257 12 Mark Gallery 020 7262 4906 23 The Marle Gallery 01297 639970 12 Martin Tinney Gallery 02920 641411 5 Martyn Gregory 020 7839 3731 27 Mascalls Gallery 01892 839039 14 Mayor Gallery 020 7734 3558 25 McAllister Thomas Fine Art 01483 860591 14 Medici Gallery 020 7495 2565 25 Menier Gallery 020 7407 3222 32 Messum’s Fine Art 020 7437 5545 25 Michael Hoppen 020 7352 3649 20 Millennium 01736 793121 10 Millinery Works 020 7359 2019 30 Millyard Gallery 01457 870410 4 Minster Gallery 01962 877601 14 Modern Art Auctions 020 7232 1885 20 Modern Artists Gallery 01189 845893 16 MOMA Wales 01654 703355 5 Monnow Valley 01873 860525 5 Moving Experience 020 7483 2501 31 N ational Gallery 020 7747 2885 28 New Craftsman Gallery 01736 795652 10 New Leaf Gallery 01600 714527 5 58 GALLERIES JUNE 2014 INDEX DEALERS & SERVICES Numbers refer to maps and sections unless otherwise stated