Galleries - September 2013

14. GALLERIES SEPTEMBER 13 MAP 3 SCOTLAND EDINBURGH e THE LAUREL GALLERY 58 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh EH3 5AL Specialising in affordable Scottish Art, Crafts and Gifts. The gallery also runs art and craft workshops as well as having regular exhibitions. Tue–Fri 11–5.30, Sat 10.30–5 Sun/Mon by appt t 0131 226 5022 f OPEN EYE GALLERY 34 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE Rory McEwen (1932–1982): Tulips and Tulipomania. Aug 12–Sep 21. For this year’s Festival, The Print Room exhibits the suite ofeight tulip prints. Jonathan Gibbs: Fish Bone and Other Works. Wood Engravings, Drawings and Paintings. Sep 9–25. Catharine Davison: This land ate my heart – paintings and drawings of Edinburgh’s urban landscape. Sep 9–25. Margot Sandeman (1922-2009): Paintings. Sep 30–Oct 16. Gill Tyson: Shelter – Prints and Works on Paper. Sep 30–Oct 15. Wilkie to Paolozzi – 150 years of DUNDASSTREET DAVIDSTREET S TV IN CE NTST CH A RLOT T EST G L E NF INL AS S T YOUNG STRE ET GEORGE STREET ROSESTREET PRINCESSTREET Q U E E N ST R E ET H E RIOTR O W G REA T KIN GST C UM B ER LA N DS T Q UEENS F E RRYST L E I T H W A L K B R O U GHTON S T U N IO N S T E. L O ND ON ST LON DON S T FE T TE SR OW N ORTHUMBERLA ND S T Y OR K PL ACE LON R O Y A L T MA R KET S TREET P L E A S A N C ES T L C A N D L E M A L O T H I A N R O A D MANOR P LA C E M E LVILLEST W I LL I A M S T S H AN D W I C K P LAC E P L A C E A I N S L I E P L A C E M O R A Y H E N D E RS O N R O W N I C OLS S O U T H B R I D G E C O W G A TE HO R E G E N T R O A D HIGH ST R EET T H E M O U N D C A S T L E T E R R A C E G R A S S M A R K E T RAE B UR N PL A CE C I R C U S R O Y A L S T S T E P H E N S S T A B E R C R O M B Y P L REGENT GARDENS PRINCES ST GARDENS CASTLE P AL M ERS T O N PL B E L F O R D R O A D COM E L Y B A NK AVE T H R D D E A N P A TH Q U E E N S F E R R Y R O A D R A V E I S T O N T E R C RE W E R O A D S OUT H L N I N LASST C UN I O N S T . L O ND O NS T D . S T P L A C E L E S S E E S T R B P L C HA R L OT TE S T D A D ST R ET R T KING ST Q U E ENS F E R S T N O T M B ERLAND S T YORK PL C AT E M AN O R C E B R O U G H T O N ST Y O U N G S TR EE T GEO R GE ST R E E T R O S E STREET PRIN ES STREET QUE N ET E R IOT R OW F E TTE S R O W L O O YA M A RKE T S T P L E A S A N G E O R G E I V L O T H I N R O A M E LVILL E S T W I L I A M S T S H AN DW ICK PL ACE HE N D E R S N R O W H O W A T E L O O HIGH STR E ET T H E O U N D J O H N S T O N T E R R A C E G R A S S M A R K T RA E BURN P L L E I T H W A L K N I C S O U T H B R I D G E D UN D A S 1 a e g dh j i f c b i Waverley a ARUSHA GALLERY 23 Stafford Street, Edinburgh EH3 7BD Contemporary art – an exciting, diverse range ofestablished and emerging artists from around the UK. Mon–Sat 10–8 m 07814 189018 b BONHAMS 21/22 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JX t 0131 225 2266 c BOURNE FINE ART 6 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HZ New Works by Jennifer McRae: ‘As Is’. Sep 20–Oct 26. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–2 t 0131 557 4050 d THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY 45 Market Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DF Gabriel Orozco. Aug 1–Oct 18. Mon–Sat 11–6, Sun 12–5 t 0131 225 2383 British Printmaking. Sep 30–Oct 15. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4, admn free t 0131 557 1020 g THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 16 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HZ John Houston: Overseas – Paintings; Alexandra Knubley: New Paintings; Jane Keith: Linear Landscapes – Textiles; Susan Cross: Retrospective – Jewellery. Sep 9–Oct 2. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 0131 558 1200 f 0131 558 3900 h SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY The Mound, Edinburgh EH2 2EL Through American Eyes: Frederic Church and the Landscape Oil Sketch. Until Sep 8. Peter Doig No Foreign Lands: Aug 3–Nov 3. Admn £8/£6 this show. t 0131 624 6200, admn free i SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3DR MODERN ONE : From Deathto Deathand Other Small Tales: Masterpieces from the SNGMA & the D. Daskalopoulos Collection Until Sep 8. MODERN TWO : Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3DS Witches and Wicked Bodies. Until Nov 3. Admn £7/£5. t 0131 624 6200 j SCOTTISH NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JD Man Ray Portraits. Until Sep 22. Admn £7 (£5). Ken Currie: New Works. Until Sep 22. t 0131 624 6200 Having spent much ofhis first 70 years working in precious metals, Frank Hirshfield has decided, according to the press release he has written for his latest show at Lilford, to spend the next 70 (sic) concentrating on sculpture and drawing. He’s not entirely joking either, as he seems to have done most things he has set his mind to over a career that began with a show in Antibes in 1956 and has taken in Olympic wrestling and being the Founding Teacher at the National Crafts Workshops in Tel-Aviv, in a project which brought Arab Israeli and Immigrant Artist Craftsmen under one roof. The sculpture for this new show, largely figurative in character, has the same delicacy oftechnique he used to bring to his decorative metalwork but now imbued with a more focused sculptural eye. NU THUMB nails Frank magnus Hirshfield