Galleries - November 2010

14. GALLERIES NOVEMBER 10 Architect, installation artist, painter and photographer Dr Lisa Ander- son comes to the Bicha Gallery with a distinguished 30 year career in Australia behind her. This show, 'Ends of the Earth', focuses on her most recent digital photography work involving a highly innovative process in which a camera lens motor creates a 360º panoramic view of the remote landscapes she is photographing – the High Arctic and Lake Mungo in Australia among them – her concern to convey narra- tives of the beauty of places and ‘the rub of weather’. D r Lisa Anderson ‘Lake Mungo’ Like Constable on the nearby Stour, Wladyslaw Mirecki has placed the landscape around his home in the Colne Valley at the centre of his practice. These are works far from the 'right first time' approach of con- ventional watercolourists however, Mirecki's intensely detailed, metic- ulous surfaces the result of constant reworking, lifting colour with clean water and removing paint with sandpaper or scalpel. He no longer works en plein air and this has given the work a more contemplative character, one of enormous individual distinction. ( Duncan Campbell ) W ladyslaw Mirecki ‘Beach Hut Areas under Surveillance’ Although much better known as a writer, The Ginger Man et al, J.P. Donleavy actually started out as a painter in 1947, only turning to writ- ing in the early 50s out of frustration at the restrictions the medium ap- parently imposed on him. Now, in his mid-80s, it has taken centre stage again and, as this show at the Dollar Street Gallery makes plain, the inventiveness of his visual imagination is quite as vivid as the verbal, the 'walking' Klee-like line and brilliant, flickering colour, lending engaging and sardonic energy to his large cast of humans and animals! J.P. Donleavy Rather like an artist of the Dutch 17th. C. Eric Rimmington has made himself into very much the painter of narrow subject specialisation, in this case the nature morte . Not that he allows that to restrict him in any other way, the huge range of reference to art historical precedents to be found in his work – everyone from Crivelli and Poussin to Morandi and Picasso – testament both to his erudition as well as an enormous sense of pleasure and fun he seems to get from the exercise – and then shares with us, of course. ( Bohun ) Eric Rimmington ‘Figurants’ THUMB nails Nicholas Usherwood